Preventing Tax Evasion of the Commercial Tax Departments through Statistical Models


  •   R. Venkataraman Centre for Management Studies, Presidency College
  •   Seeboli Ghosh Kundu ITM Business School & Research scholar at Bharathiar University



Tax Evasion, Statistical Models, Logistic Regression, Misclassification, Input/Output Tax, Exempted/ Total Turnover, Predictive Model, Age of Account, Odds Ratio, Model Coefficient.


Billions of dollars across the Tax administrations around the world are lost every year due to noncompliance, evasions, frauds or non-collection including both direct and indirect taxes. With access to vast quantities of data from a range of sources (e.g. financial institutions, utilities, bank transactions, social media data, etc.) both in terms of structured as well as unstructured (text, video, pdfs, etc.), tax authorities can increasingly use business rules, quantitative statistical models and advance analytics techniques to conduct audits and uncover trends and discrepancies, using new techniques such as rulebased monitoring, predictive modelling and outlier detection. This paper will showcase how the tax authorities should be moving into the predictive mode rather than post audit reactive mode for zeroing on the probable risky dealers in the indirect tax domain for highest impact of revenue recovery and collection through a statistical, scientific and information driven model for decision making.




How to Cite

Venkataraman, R., & Kundu, S. G. (2016). Preventing Tax Evasion of the Commercial Tax Departments through Statistical Models. Adarsh Journal of Management Research, 9(2), 13–18.


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