Study on Communication Satisfaction of Trainers in Higher Education at Institutions in East Bangalore
Communication Satisfaction, Organizational Communication, Job Satisfaction, Trainers (Teaching Staff), Higher Education.Abstract
The role of communication satisfaction has comparatively been downplayed in importance compared to job satisfaction. One must need to showcase the fact that communication satisfaction is a prime determinant of job satisfaction. Communication satisfaction could be a potential component even in attrition. We often hear people quitting organizations because of insecurity created in the work environment through the so called "talk in the air". Most of the organizational policies get decoded in personal context with varying degrees of interpreting management decisions.The present study is intended to explore the intricacies of Organizational Communication using Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) developed by C.W. Downs and Hazen. The study is focused on communication satisfaction of employees in Higher Education in East Bengaluru (Bangalore), which is chosen as the population and a sample of 57 respondents from the teaching fraternity.
The prime objective of the study would be to see if ages, experience and gender affect the perceived quality of Communication Satisfaction within the organization. Alternate hypotheses had been framed to check the impact of the independent variables namely age, gender and experience on the dependent variable, Communication Satisfaction. The findings throw light on significant variations in perceived communication satisfaction and were observed that age and experience do influence the factor under investigation for this presentation.
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