The Role of Digital Technology as an Agent for Shaping Business and Society in India


  •   S. Manjunatha Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Rajanukunte, Bengaluru
  •   C. Kavitha Nagarjuna College of Management Studies, Chickaballapur



Digital, Technology, Digital Technology, Digitalization, Analog.


Technology first emerged as tools. The first machines created as digital technology were the telegraph and the analytical engine. Digital Technology is economical through the widespread of the personal computer. It was created by Claude Shannon. Digital Technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate store or process data. These include social media, online games and applications, multimedia, productivity applications, cloud computing, inter operable systems mobile devices. Digital technology is primarily used with new physical communication media, such as satellite and fiber optic transmission. A modem is used to convert the digital information in your computer to analog signals for your phone line and to convert analog phone signals to digital information for your computer. In modern practice, the digitized data is in the form of binary numbers, which facilitate computer processing and other operations. While digitization brings great opportunities, it also demands advance planning and carefully devised strategy for companies, the public sector, and society alike. From a company perspective, there is every reason to review everything from business models, trademarks, collaborations, eco-systems, organization, investments, culture/values etc. to identify the impact of digitization. The main aim of objective of the study is to know about the digital technology, and to show significance of digital technology and also know about the different ways of digital technology to run a successful business. The limitations of the study are, it will show only the positive nature and importance of digital technology. The survey is conducted to only to those elements those who will have knowledge about the technology. By studying this article we can find out the significance of the digital technology how it is important for the business and society, we also known the. Different ways of the digital technology to run the business. On the basis of the in depth study of this article we can conclude that digital technology will play important role for the improvement of the business and society and economy to the greater extent. To lead our life successfully we need digital technology. In this era society is totally depended on digital technology we are that much depending on it. So we need digital technology for our life too.




How to Cite

Manjunatha, S., & Kavitha, C. (2017). The Role of Digital Technology as an Agent for Shaping Business and Society in India. Adarsh Journal of Management Research, 37–43.


Text Books:

Trends and challenges in digital business innovations

Streaming and Digital Media (understanding the Business and Technology)