Exploring Cross-Cultural Differences in Usage of Mobile Phones among University Students in us and India
Mobile, Culture, Usage Patterns, Self-Expression, Public Places.Abstract
The importance of the mobile phone is evidenced by predictions that there will be 1.76 billion smartphone users worldwide at the start of 2015. A country that is spearheading this movement toward the digital era is India.Today mobiles are used by 75% of the people around the world. It has become an integral part of everybody's daily life. This study investigates usage patterns of, and attitude about, cell phones among university students in a mature market such as (United States) and a rapidly growing new market such as (India) by surveying students in each country.
For India, students between the ages of 21-25 years were surveyed from Presidency College MBA students and for the United States, the sample was collected by internet surveys done at UCLA students of the age group of 19-25 years during Sep-Dec 2015.
Key findings from the study include similarities in the usage of phones to communicate with others and in the perception of mobile phone usage in public settings, and differences in the use of text messaging popular apps and mobile phone conduct while driving and in public places such as restaurants and hospitals. For India, students between the age of 21-25 years were surveyed and for the United States, the sample was collected by internet surveys done at UCLA students of the same age group. Overall these results suggest that students in India use mobile phones differently from their American counterparts. The findings also showed that there is hardly any gender difference in usage patterns and preference with regards to mobile phones.
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