Impact of Inflation and GDP on CNX Nifty


  •   J. K. Raju Institute of Management Studies, Davangere University
  •   Manjunath B. R. BIET-MBA Programme, Davangere
  •   Pradeep Kumar S. BIET-MBA Programme, Davangere



Inflation, Gross Domestic Product, National Stock Exchange, E-views


Inflation and GDP are the two main important macro-economic variables. GDP is an economic indicator of the market value of all finished goods and services produced over a period (Quarterly or yearly) of time. There has been a decline in the GDP growth rate in the year 2017 compared to previous year. Several factors including global situation are responsible for the decline in GDP growth rate. Inflation is a continual growth in the universal worth of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the price level increases, each component of currency buys fewer goods and services. This paper mainly deals with the impact of Inflation and GDP on Indian market that is National stock exchange (NSE). For this we have collected 10 years quarterly data and also applied E-views statistical package. Unit root test for stationary, co-integration test, vector error correction model, and granger causality test, were conducted.




How to Cite

Raju, J. K., B. R., M., & S., P. K. (2018). Impact of Inflation and GDP on CNX Nifty. Adarsh Journal of Management Research, 11(1), 26–36.





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