Effective Talent Management in R&D Organisation a Case Study


  •   Ritika Sinha CBSMS, Bangalore University
  •   M. K. Vasanthi CBSMS, Bangalore University




Talent Management, Research, Skills Acquisition, Organization’s Goal, R&D, Innovation.


Talent is one of the most important resource of the research organisation which enables the organisation to achieve the best results and success. Talent management is a mission critical process which ensures organizations have the highly skilled man power in place to meet the organisation's current and future research goals. One of the key factor of talent management is identification of the key gaps between the talent in place and the talent required to drive research success. Organisations are made up of people. As an organisation strives to meet its organisational goals, it must make sure that it has a continuous and integrated process for recruiting, training, managing, supporting and compensating these people. Succession planning, a very important function, enables managers and individuals to identify the right candidates for a position. Talent identification, skills acquisition and development plan improves the research works. In this paper the concept of TM and its application in R&D is explored. Innovation continues to be the domain of R&D division. R&D typically refers to the "Creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge and the use of this knowledge to devise new applications."

In this research we scrutinize the way the notions of talent management relate in R&D settings and its correlation with process and design innovation that contributes to the competitive advantage of the organization. The outcome of the paper is to examine how to understand the concept of talent management applied in research and development and its effectiveness using the single case study design.




How to Cite

Sinha, R., & Vasanthi, M. K. (2014). Effective Talent Management in R&D Organisation a Case Study. Adarsh Journal of Management Research, 7(1), 39–48. https://doi.org/10.21095/ajmr/2014/v7/i1/88231


