Case Study on Culture of Recruiting Rewarding and Retaining Strategy for Talent Management


  •   Lopamudra Srusti Academy of Management Bhubaneswar, Odisha
  •   Sujit Kumar Acharya DDCE, Utkal University



Recruitment, Reward Management, Employee Retention, Talent Management.


In this competitive scenario, talent management is crucial for organizational success. Organizations realized the importance of talent management in this hyper competitive and dynamic global economy. Talent management is the process of recruiting, managing, assessing, developing and maintaining an organization's most important resource, i.e. human resource. Organizational culture which is considered as the building block of an organization is reflected in its practices, policies, beliefs, strategies etc. Therefore, a conducive organization culture enriches the organizational practices which are essential to retain the talent. Recruiting the required talent, reinforcing the talent with appropriate reward as well as retaining the hired talent are essential to manage the talent of its employees. In this paper authors through few case studies tried to focus on how the culture of recruitment, reward and retention practices of various companies has been strategized towards talent management.




How to Cite

Lopamudra, ., & Acharya, S. K. (2015). Case Study on Culture of Recruiting Rewarding and Retaining Strategy for Talent Management. Adarsh Journal of Management Research, 8(2), 42–49.


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